This is a platform for sharing time-tested principles that are relevant for building godly relationships. You have the power to choose and build beautiful, loving and long lasting Relationships. Equip yourself with the right knowledge and build a strong foundation in True Love. This blog was created to uplift and encourage Men and Women who are in Relationships/Marriages as well as those who are Single but waiting for love to come their way.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Ways to Know a Man/Woman May be Cheating.
Understand this is simply a guide or signs, so don’t aimlessly go off and accuse your mate of cheating because it seems to fit. As long as you have really gotten to know, observe and paid attention to change from when the relationship started these things will be easily recognized. Make sure you have the facts and/or proof before doing something drastic because lives, kids, well being, etc are at stake!
(Also read "What is Cheating in a Relationship?")
1. If he all of a sudden gets an attitude and creates unnecessary arguments to hangout ‘with his boys, leave, or get away, he’s with someone else who he feels is doing for him what he feels you should do every day. If some condoms are missing he didn’t ‘give them to his boy and you didn’t miscount, he’s doing it with someone else with or without them and not smart enough to keep track of the amount!
2. If he’s away from you for a week and don’t want to have sex or hold you upon his return, he was away doing what n whoever as they say ‘getting his grown man on,’ If you are away for a week a ‘man is going to be a man’, do yourself a favor when returning and check the bedroom and bathroom trashcan. Check his credit card if he has one and the gas mileage too because men will travel while you’re gone to do what they do.
3. If his daily routine/behavior changes and he’s making excuses like ‘I’m working or I have to work late,’ he’s working alright while out with someone else on a hot date! If he, his clothes or the sheets smell like a fragrance that doesn’t smell like you, it came from another woman who he is way too close to!
4. If he stops returning your calls/texts promptly he’s up to no good, he’s away from the house doing dirt while he could! If he’s emailing, facebooking, texting others flirting they are not in the friend zone, ole girl is just waiting for any opportunity to make him her very own! If he turns his phone off, has a pass-code to access or voice-mail he has something to hide, most men aren’t the brightest so most men don't think and keep damaging evidence inside!
1. If your woman begins to complain more than the norm and belittle you in public when out, she doesn’t feel the need to treat you properly anymore because it’s another man she’s all about. If your woman gets defensive when asked the simplest of questions like where are you, if ‘none of your business or why you want to know’ is responded she’s out being untrue!
2. If your woman was submissive but isn’t anymore or an initiator but no longer initiates, she’s been exposed to something new from elsewhere who she is seeing or probably out on dates. If your woman no longer shows you affection and stays on her side of the bed, she’s cuddling, giving and receiving pleasure elsewhere on the computer or with another man or woman instead!
3. If your woman begins to go out and wear sexy outfits showing off her curves, it’s not for you she’s getting jazzy for someone else because she thinks you get on her nerves. If your woman explains her outings in too much detail when she is normally vague she’s trying too hard, guilt has gotten to her and she’s trying to cover her tracks so stay on guard!
5 If your woman is suddenly encouraging you to go out with friends and is basically pushing you out the door, she’s doing it for a reason and it’s probably because she not feeling you anymore. If your woman gets a new set of single friends or ones you never meet, odds are she hanging out spending time with a dude and letting him take her out to eat!
Now Ladies and Gents - CHEATING is real easy hence why so many engage in it. Know that it takes a better person to be true to one than to many! READ THE WRITING ON THE WALL and also know if he/she is cheating with you, he will cheat on you! So men/women TRUST YOUR INTUITION making sure you have the facts and/or proof before doing anything drastic! Once you have the evidence, don’t be scared of what you know to be true, kick him/her to the curb immediately because there is someone else out there more deserving and better for you that wont BETRAY you in the worst way!
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