Sunday, 8 September 2013

Transparency and Honesty in Relationships.

Be fully transparent & keep no secrets. If you want to be trusted by your spouse and if you want to take your marriage to the next level you must be willing to openly share everything with your spouse, especially the things you are hesitant to share. True love gives you the courage to open your heart fully and to let your spouse into the secret places of your heart.
Transparency and Honesty in Relationships.
True openness leaves you vulnerable because it gives your spouse privileged access to the deepest, most private and confidential places in your life. Your spouse doesn't have to like what they find but such openness allows your spouse to fall in love with the real you.
Transparency allows your spouse to love you completely and without reservations because they know your dark side as well as your bright side. Therefore pull down the mask, unveil your heart, give your spouse access to your heart & let your spouse see you for who you really are!

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