Monday, 9 September 2013

The Secret to Protecting Your Marriage from Infidelity

To protect our marriages, we need to make a daily decision to have an affair-proof relationship. This protection builds trust and security — which in turn — melts the ice. (See a separate Article on What is cheating in a Marriage). Security from marital fidelity is built when we do four important things.
Four Ways to Affair - Proof Your Marriage


Photo: (((The Secret to Protecting Your Marriage from 

To protect our marriages, we need to make a daily decision to have an 
affair-proof relationship. This protection builds trust and security — 
which in turn — melts the ice. Security from marital fidelity is built 
when we do four important things.

Four Ways to Affair - Proof Your Marriage

1. Make a Commitment Towards Growth..... First, it's extremely important
 to make a commitment to keep growing in your relationship with your 
mate. According to my mentor, Dr. Gary Oliver, sexual temptation 
increases as the satisfaction in the relationship decreases. In other 
words, the lower the relational happiness the greater the temptation to 
medicate through some kind of addictive behavior (e.g., sex, alcohol, 
work, etc.). In order to find out what your relationship needs, ask your
 mate "What is something that I could do that would cause our 
relationship to grow?" I encourage you to begin making a list of 
the specific things and pick one of them to do on a weekly basis.

2. Becoming Aware of Your Choices.... A damaging force working against 
marital fidelity is rationalization. Today's test for honesty seems to 
be, "It's okay as long as you don't get caught," or "It's
 not that bad, every one's doing it." A major battle is won when we
 stop asking what's wrong with certain choices, and instead, ask what's 
right with them.
The choices we make every day, dictate the life we lead. To thine own 
self be true! Basically, this is same message that Luke talks about in 
the Scriptures. "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also 
be trusted with much" (Luke 16:10). In other words, how we handle 
the small things dictates how we react to the bigger ones. I now start 
each day out by thinking about the choices I'll make and how they can 
dictate my life. For example, if I spend too much time talking to a 
female co-worker, I need to be aware of how this can weaken my defenses 
or make me susceptible for an affair (emotional as well as physical).
The last part, "to thine own self be true," simply means as 
Christians, we must learn what God desires for our lives and remain true
 to His wishes. Becoming aware of our choices leads us right into the 
third way to affair-proof our marriages.

3. Draw a Line and Then Stay a Safe Distance Behind It...... If you want
 to affair proof your marriage, it's important to draw a line and then 
stay a safe distance behind it. For each person the safety line will be 
different. Some people will not be able to take business trips or work 
late with a co-worker of the opposite sex. Others may not be able to 
meet a certain person for lunch or to work-out at the gym. Whatever the 
situation, determine where you need to draw the line. Since everyone 
makes mistakes, having room before you fall over the edge can be the 
difference between a compromising situation and losing your marriage.

4. Become Accountable to Someone...... The final piece for maintaining 
marital fidelity is through accountability. Accountability is simply 
being responsible to another person or persons for the commitments 
you've made. If you desire to affair-proof your marriage, I encourage 
you to ask a good friend, pastor, bible study group, or co-worker for 
accountability. The important ingredient is having someone to ask the 
difficult questions. For example, "Did you compromise your 
standards last week?" or "Have you been getting your emotional
 needs met from someone other than your mate?" Ideally, these 
questions force us to carefully and prayerfully consider our choices 
because we know that someone will be checking.
If your desire is to build a protective hedge around your marriage, or 
if you and your mate are recovering from the damaging effects of an 
affair, by making the above four things a part of your life, you can 
melt the ice-covered sidewalks of your relationship, where trust and 
security are sure to follow.
The Secret to Protecting Your Marriage from Infidelity
1. Make a Commitment Towards Growth.
First, it's extremely important to make a commitment to keep growing in your relationship with your mate. Sexual temptation increases as the satisfaction in the relationship decreases. In other words, the lower the relational happiness the greater the temptation to medicate through some kind of addictive behavior (e.g., sex, alcohol, work, etc.). In order to find out what your relationship needs, ask your mate "What is something that I could do that would cause our relationship to grow?" I encourage you to begin making a list of the specific things and pick one of them to do on a weekly basis.

2. Becoming Aware of Your Choices.
 A damaging force working against marital fidelity is rationalization. Today's test for honesty seems to be, "It's okay as long as you don't get caught," or "It's not that bad, every one's doing it." A major battle is won when we stop asking what's wrong with certain choices, and instead, ask what's right with them.
The choices we make every day, dictate the life we lead. To thine own self be true! Basically, this is same message that Luke talks about in the Scriptures. "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much" (Luke 16:10). In other words, how we handle the small things dictates how we react to the bigger ones. I now start each day out by thinking about the choices I'll make and how they can dictate my life. For example, if I spend too much time talking to a female co-worker, I need to be aware of how this can weaken my defenses or make me susceptible for an affair (emotional as well as physical).
The last part, "to thine own self be true," simply means as Christians, we must learn what God desires for our lives and remain true to His wishes. Becoming aware of our choices leads us right into the third way to affair-proof our marriages.

3. Draw a Line and Then Stay a Safe Distance Behind It.
If you want to affair proof your marriage, it's important to draw a line and then stay a safe distance behind it. For each person the safety line will be different. Some people will not be able to take business trips or work late with a co-worker of the opposite sex. Others may not be able to meet a certain person for lunch or to work-out at the gym. Whatever the situation, determine where you need to draw the line. Since everyone makes mistakes, having room before you fall over the edge can be the difference between a compromising situation and losing your marriage.

4. Become Accountable to Someone.
The final piece for maintaining marital fidelity is through accountability. Accountability is simply being responsible to another person or persons for the commitments you've made. If you desire to affair-proof your marriage, I encourage you to ask a good friend, pastor, bible study group, or co-worker for accountability. The important ingredient is having someone to ask the difficult questions. For example, "Did you compromise your standards last week?" or "Have you been getting your emotional needs met from someone other than your mate?" Ideally, these questions force us to carefully and prayerfully consider our choices because we know that someone will be checking.
If your desire is to build a protective hedge around your marriage, or if you and your mate are recovering from the damaging effects of an affair, by making the above four things a part of your life, you can melt the ice-covered sidewalks of your relationship, where trust and security are sure to follow.

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