Friday, 20 September 2013

Man the Provider.

Provider Man The Provider
Man the Provider.
A man has two options in a relationship: Either STAND UP and be the man she needs (a PROVIDER and PROTECTOR)... or... SIT DOWN so she can see the one behind you!

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a) The Provider

 I take my role as a provider in my family to heart. Note, that I said a provider not the provider. In today’s economic and social climate it appears to be the norm that in a marriage and in a family both parents are providers. I applaud all those men and women who are being and doing all they can to provide for their families no matter where in the world and no matter the circumstances. Well done! The role of a provider is a big responsibility and is not particularly easy. It is, however, very rewarding.

I suppose I should underline here that in this context provider relates to the provision of money and material needs and what that allows us to purchase and invest in for the sake of our day-to-day living and our aspired lifestyle. I realise that being a provider can cover many other things which I plan to address in the next few posts on men’s roles in today’s world. In all our roles, as men, we are meant to be role-models and lead by example. Actually, that’s true for anyone.

Now…I know in our household, the role of provider is shared. Good thing. That was not always the case.

There was a time when I thought I had to be the provider. A male thing I think. My worth was wrapped up in my ability to provide for my wife and, one day, for my family. If I could not provide then my belief was that it meant I was a failure as a man, husband and father. My ego and my pride had a lot to answer for.

The man being the chief bread-winner of the family, the provider. It’s instinctive for him to provide for and protect his woman and his children. It’s built into the male psyche, and God built that male psyche.
Women have always worked, by the way—I’m not going totally chauvinistic on you, advocating that women be barefoot, pregnant and chained to the stove! In times past, the lady worked alongside of her man, helping get the harvest in before the rains, or as part of the family trade or business. But the man was the full-time field laborer—working, as the Bible says, by the sweat of his brow, fighting to grow crops out of a stubborn land. The woman helps as needed, but her main task is nurturing the children—and believe me, she’s fully employed in that task. 
Certainly, raising the next generation is more important than any factory or office job the woman might otherwise devote her life to. The devil and frustrated feminists have sold the modern American woman a bill of goods!
As for the well-adjusted man, working women don’t threaten him, they confuse him. He’s supposed to be the bread-winner, not his wife. He’s supposed to be the provider. A wife that is not content to be his counter-part and help-meet, a suitable, comparable match to his manhood has a tendency to mess with his inner biological settings. He’s programmed by God and nature to be the provider—why does she feel the need to compete with him?
Only in finding out what God meant you to be, and following it, will you ever be happy, content, at peace with yourself. Only if men are allowed to be men, can women know what women are supposed to be, and can children grow up in a stable and safe environment into the men and women that God intended them to be. It’s no secret that more traditional, family-orientated societies are better at rearing children, and are happier and more adjusted, in spite of poverty, dictatorial governments, and other negative factors that may be present.
b) The Protector

God designed the man to be a fighter, a warrior. This is probably the part of us that women least understand, but it’s the way we’re programmed. Programmed to protect our women and children.
Modern science has an explanation—testosterone. It makes men larger, helps them develop muscles more easily, and also contributes to them losing their temper with more frequency. A routine example of bad manners on the highway easily illustrates one of the chief differences between men and women in this respect.
Well, I’m sorry to announce that the ladies are right—Jesus said so. He told men to turn the other cheek, to give someone your coat if he takes your shirt—don’t let the ungodly lure you to their level of existence, but transcend your fleshly impulses. Control this dynamite known as testosterone. Testosterone does have it’s place, however—it’s part of the make-up God gave us, and it’s the reason the race survives.

Dreamy-eyed pacifists say we should solve our problems diplomatically. How do you reason with a wolf or a tiger? How do you reason with a blizzard that threatens to bury your family in an icy grave? How do you reason with the Philistines when they raid your city, rape your women, and steal your children?

Folks, you can’t take the warrior out of a man, or a boy, for that matter. We have well-meaning Christian friends who feel that violence is not a Christian value, and who forbid their son to play with guns and other imaginary weapons. I’ll tell you right now, if you don’t buy him a plastic gun, he’ll pick up a stick and pretend anyway—it’s part of being a man. A warrior doesn't simply like to fight—his job is to protect good people from bad people.

Today, we have professional policemen and soldiers to protect us, so men end up waving fists on the highway, picking fights in bars, or bickering over the pre-eminence in the local church. Others invent crises among friends and family—there’s a truth in the old saying that so-and-so isn’t happy unless he’s fighting with someone. It’s testosterone gone bad, out of control. It’s anything but manly, but if you’ve been castrating the man in all the other areas of his life, it’s one of the few outlets he has left. Because if he’s not allowed to be the provider and protector of his family, he’s a very unhappy camper—not a true man at all.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
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    If you’re trying see what your spouse is texting, your suspicions didn’t start out of the blue. You started to notice that he gets a lot of text messages. Sometimes late at night. Sometimes on the weekends. Most cheating happens when a man thinks he won't ever get caught. But thanks to this new tool, you can blow the lid off a cheating husband’s affair. Once you have the number, name linked to a number. That will be the beginning of the work you will be able to read his text, see his calls! You could even access their Facebook page , whatsapp, snapchat to learn more about the person who's trying to steal your man. You know that even if you busted your husband cheating, he wouldn’t tell you any of those details. But with a bit of sleuthing, you could find out for yourself without him even knowing! Talk to him and save your relationship.
