Saturday, 7 September 2013

Regaining Trust in any Relationship


Regaining Trust in any Relationship
You have done one of the most hurtful things to someone who loves you. Now regretting your actions/words, you want to regain their trust and get to a point where things are great again.

First you must understand, that you cannot fully understand what this loved one is going through, not fully. Second, is that it will not be easy to regain trust that you have willingly broken. Especially if it has happened multiple times. Before you even think of figuring out what you have to do to regain trust, you have to ask yourself: what you will do to make things right.

You cannot go back to someone you have hurt, and not become committed 100% to correcting your mistake. Going back, with the intention of only giving 50% is cruel. By going back and trying to fix things without true drive, is like giving hope to someone who is in need of it, and suddenly taking it away. Going to someone who has been stabbed in the back, and only mending some of the wound, will leave a scar. As a Christian-- no, as a human being, that should be something anybody would want to avoid.

Now obviously, to be willing to commit fully to repairing the mistake, you cannot be prideful or stubborn. The person you have wronged will want to see proof that you are nowhere near the same kind of person who betrayed them.
For example, say you deceived your girlfriend/boyfriend, and now that the truth has come out, the only way you can fully regain trust is to do the opposite of what you did before. In this situation they would want to know that your are not hiding anything else. They could ask more questions about your day, or who you were with. This is all a test. A test to see if you will be more open, than before the betrayal. It might seem tedious at times, but it is necessary; for you and for them. Not only are you reassuring them with your actions, you are training yourself to be better than you were when you made the mistake. These are the consequences you must accept, if you truly love them, that is.

At a certain point, your partner would like to see that you truly have changed and this new correction will be a part of you from now on. Instead of always asking you about you day, or who you have been with; they will wait to see if you tell them this information by yourself. Changes should be permanent. If you find yourself settling back into the old you as time goes on, fast and pray to God to cover you, and remove any flaw that can hinder your progress.
When we see ourselves making the same kind of mistakes over a period of time, it not only show that it is a flaw in our character, but also a hindrance in our spiritual life. We are meant to be in the image of God. Is deception a part of God's image? Or is it a part of Satan's?

Your betrayal not only hurts your loved one, it hurts your Heavenly Father, which is pleasure in the devil's eyes. You have hurt one of God's children. You have scarred them. And if this is not dealt with, it could hinder them later in life. No matter if they wronged you first, as Christ's followers you are to allow the Lord to bring about justice. Not your vengeance.
(Proverbs 24:29) Do not say, "I'll do to him as he has done to me; I'll pay that man back for what he did."
(Proverbs 20:22) Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you. Take responsibility and accept the consequences of your actions. Only through true remorse and humbling of yourself can you right a wrong you have done to someone's heart. And only through godly remorse and a humble spirit can we understand the consequence of sin, and repent.

Matthew 27:3-4 ... When Judas, who had betrayed him, realized that Jesus had been condemned to die, he was filled with remorse. So he took the thirty pieces of silver back to the leading priests and the elders. "I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood." "What is that to us?" they replied. "That's your responsibility."
True love is worth fighting for.


Someone that you have loved and trusted, has said/done something that has broken your faith in them. If this is the first time you have felt betrayal like this, you are in my prayers. The first time is the hardest. If you have felt betrayal before, please, do not let this make you lose hope in love. People make mistakes. That is one truth that everyone on this earth can agree with.

Now, even though people make mistakes, does not mean that this mistake was accidental. You need to find out what happened. But before you do that, you need to accept what has happened. You have to accept that the image you had of this person is wrong; they are not perfect. No human is. By accepting what has happened you can accept the truth when you find it out. After gathering the truth of the whole situation, there are some questions you need to ask. Are you willing to take him/her back after what they did? If so, what has to be done for you to be satisfied?

The last question is crucial, because after being hurt, our view on it might not be completely fair. We might seek out some form of vengeance, which is not what God wants for us. We should depend on God to enact fair Justice, not biased Vengeance.
(Psalm 9:16) "The LORD is known for his justice. The wicked are trapped by their own deeds..."
But if you feel that you cannot trust them enough to be in a relationship, then just make sure that you have let go of what they have done to you and move on. Lingering regret will only cause long term trouble for you and them. Forgiving them is a must.
(2 Corinthians 2:10)"If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven--if there was anything to forgive--I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake"

You must also work on forgiving the betrayal; for both the offender and yourself. Forgiving does not mean that you act as if the betrayal never happened, it just means taking away the negative feelings of that situation, and understanding that we all sin. It is not wise to easily forget wrong done to you, it could make you unaware of when it could happen again.
(2 Corinthians 2:7)" Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow."
Excessive sorrow not only hinders the repairing process, but can also keep the negative feelings in your heart, which will affect how you handle situations.

Before you continue, you should prayer that God shows you whether you should stay with this person. The thing that was done, could be a weakness in their character. Which means it will not be easy to erase. YOU are not the one to erase this weakness, only God and the offender can erase it. So make sure of your choice to continue the relationship. There need to be some guidelines in which you are comfortable with, which are fair to both you and your loved one. There also needs to be a way that can guarantee that the betrayal will not happen again. This is where you watch the actions, rather than listen to the words. Be fair in all of your choices. Two wrongs do not make a right.

In the end, if he/she has shown in their actions, that they regret their choice which hurt you and have changed so that it will not happen again, they have proven themselves to be given your trust. You should not give your trust all at once ( which seems easy to do) but gradually.

Loving someone is a risk if you do not trust them. Trust is paramount in a relationship.

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