Saturday, 7 September 2013

The past lives in you as memories.

The past lives in you as memories; but memories in themselves are not a problem. In fact, it is through memory that we learn from the past and from past mistakes. It is only when memories - thoughts - about the past, take you over completely that they turn into a burden, turn problematic, and become part of your sense of self. Your personality, which is conditioned by the past, then becomes your prison. Your memories are invested with a sense of self, and your story becomes who you perceive yourself to be. Your story consists not only of mental but also of emotional memory – old emotion that is being revived continuously, most people carry a large amount of unnecessary baggage, both mental and emotional, throughout their lives. They limit themselves through grievances, regret, hostility, guilt. Their emotional thinking has become their self, and so they hang on to the old emotion because it strengthens their identity. 
Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?”

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