Sunday, 8 September 2013

How to get over Someone you were deeply in Love with.

Perhaps nothing is ever quite as painful as getting over someone you have been deeply and truly loving. You thought you'd spend the rest of your lives together. You made plans for the future to live together or go to college together and to get married. You have loads of jokes and memories of the time you spent together. 

Now that it's over, you're scared that you'll never find anyone to ever replace them, or maybe you're just afraid that you won’t ever be as happy with someone else. Many thoughts and wishes are running in your head right now. You are totally confused and don’t know what to do to get him or her off your mind. My dear; think, worry and cry no more these are the 11 WAYS on how you can get over that superb dude or that hot irresistible lady you were loving

Before I introduce to you the 11 WAYS, I want you to first read Psalm 34:18. God is already closer to you as stated by the psalmist. You need to fully repent and turn from your wicked ways, accept Jesus as your personal Savior and receive the Holy Spirit because Zechariah 4:6 tells us that it's not by mighty nor by power but by the spirit of God. You need the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit comes when you fully commit your life to Jesus in prayer, fasting, reading the bible and attending a church.

1. Don't Email, IM, phone, or even say hi; it will open wounds that you are trying to close. Don't answer calls from them either. Pray for strength on this one because on your on its difficult. When the temptation comes begin to pray.

2. Take him or her off your minds; don’t ever praise him/her again and avoid looking at his/her lovely snaps. Never jump to answer his/her calls again and don’t go out with them again for dinners and others trips.

3. Don’t contact that person anymore; Break off his/her contact otherwise you’ll run mad. Don’t beg or cry for him/her back just relax.

4. Avoid his or her friends and the hanging places; don’t venture into his or her territories but find new places 4 your leisure and make new friends. If any of your pals insist that you call them up then shut them up.

5. Keep away anything that reminds you of that lover; don’t burn the pictures, Pillows, clothes, letters, gifts and many others but keep them out of your reach.

6. Don’t get back all your stuff from him or her unless it’s a diamond ring but things like bling, shoes, suits, bags, jewelry, cars…. Just let him/her go with them.

7. On this point be very careful otherwise it can turn turn to Hatred and cause you sin. Remember the bad times you had with him; recall the time he or she shouted at you at you work place, at home, in the restaurant, in the cinema, at the beach, in the conference, on the date for no good reason. Think of the time that dude or gal annoyed you, cheated on you and many more then all the good moments will vanish away.

8. Avoid getting closer to him/her again. This will help you to forget all the moments you shared together.

9. Stop mentioning his or her name all the time

10. Go play some games, go to the cinema or do things that will make u get that lover off your mind.

11. Pray that God may help you, read Zechariah 4:6.


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